Monday 11 March 2013

Ape itu wireline logging dalam exploration & product activities?

Yo everybody, kdg2 dlm intvw dgn oil and gas company ni, ade la 1 2 soklan technical yg tsesat. Antaranye,  what do u know about wireline logging? actually, electric wireline logging ataupun logging adalah salah 1 service yg diperlukan oleh o&g companies.Ianya diperlukan sepanjang cylce of oil well, dr exploration to development sampai ke stage last yakni abandonment.Kerja wireline ni menggunakan device iaitu cable yg act as electrical & communication conduct diantara surface dgn device ni yang diletakkan dalam downhole oilwell.Function logging ni adalah utk kite evaluate oilwell ataupun utk kite enhance kan kite nyer production well kite.ceewah well kite ye dak..Dalam kite evaluate oilwell tu, byk sbnyer device and byk data yg kite boleh dpt. So bile kite da stat nk stat increase kn production , start r gune mechanical services or explosive way.Tu je aku taw ..tu pun aku baca dr artikel..haha..

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