Monday 11 March 2013

The day when you fuck up

Interviewer asked : How to size a CSTR?
I guess lots of fresh graduate blur, empty like they never had a class for reaction engineering then they fuck up with "i guess" answer..haha...Lupe wei sampai CSTR tu ak xley nk byg ...
Dah la yg interview tu general manager or ceo..shit happen bro...
Seorg Chemical Engineering student yg dah design equipment dalam final year project, kena r tau CSTR ade fundamental sizing parameter.

Basic knowledge- Reactor usually ade 2 types. Tubular and Stirred tank reactor.Reactor yg ideal ialah reactor yg has stirring yg effiecient, contents always in uniform composition and temperature throughout.Tubular reactor ni , reactant yakni fluid di pump and move thru the tubes as plug and move parallel to the axis mcm piston or plug flow. Reaction occur as fluid travel thru the PFR.CSTR pulak fluid masuk dlm tank reactor yg ade impellar dlm masa same reactor effluent is removed.

CSTR -Steady state, continuous flow reactants & products
           -Volume CSTR represented by area in Levenspiel plot
Design stage?
1.Calculate volume by finding rate of reaction (1st order, 2nd order etc)
2. Calculate power consumed
3. Calculate mechanical design (thickness of shell, impellar design, diameter impeller) material of construction and insulation of selection)
4. Choose reactor type yg bole bg desired convesion n yield

              CSTR-Tau basic ok la..Reactor ni penting..Act as the heart of a process.

Additional Info :
1. Divide volume of tank with average volumetric flowrate equal to residence time
2. Flowrate in is equal to mass flowrate out.
1.As the concentrations of the reagents decrease and the concentration of the product(s) increases the reaction rate slows
2. Plug flow : No upstream & downstream mixing
3. e:g fixed bed reactor

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